Top 10 Running Races in Iceland: A Runner's Paradise


Iceland is a runner's paradise, offering some of the most unique and exhilarating races in the world. With its stunning landscapes, from volcanic terrain to glacial rivers, Iceland provides an unforgettable backdrop for runners of all levels. This blog post explores some of the top running races in Iceland, highlighting what makes each event special and why you should consider adding them to your running bucket list.


What Running Races in Iceland is Like and What You Need to Know

Running races in Iceland is unlike any other, thanks to the country's unique and varied landscapes. From running on volcanic ash to traversing glacial fields, each race offers a distinctive challenge and breathtaking views.
The weather can be unpredictable, with conditions ranging from sunny and mild to cold and windy, often within the same race. It's essential to be prepared for these changes and pack appropriate gear.

What to Know Beforehand

Before participating in a race in Iceland, it's important to research the course and weather conditions. Make sure you understand the terrain you'll be running on, whether it's asphalt, gravel, or trails. Familiarize yourself with the race's aid stations and what they offer, as well as the start and finish locations.

How to Prepare

Training for a race in Icelandic nature should include running on varied terrains to mimic the conditions you'll encounter. Incorporate hill training and trail running into your routine to build strength and endurance. Make sure you have appropriate clothing and gear for different weather conditions, including layers, windbreakers, and trail shoes.
Nutrition and hydration are also crucial, so practice with the foods and drinks you plan to use on race day.

Top Running Races in Iceland

Hengill Ultra - June

The Hengill Ultra offers five distances: 10km, 26km, 53km, 106 km, and 160km, taking place in the breathtaking Hengill volcano area. Starting and ending in Hveragerði, a village known for its hot springs, this race involves running through valleys, mountains, and hot springs. The 160km race is the longest ultra marathon in Iceland, providing a significant challenge and scenic beauty.
I have run the 26 km and 53 km courses. Amazing landscape but the time I did the 53 km the weather was horrible so I couldn't see anything and dnf'ed (did not finish) at km 33. It was supposed to be my first ultra but after running around in the stormy, cold, rainy and foggy surroundings somewhere in the mountains, I gave up. That's the very worst weather I have ever run in and an experience I will never forget. I have heard that the scenery is stunning though when it's not too foggy.

Hengill Ultra

Hengill 2023

Reykjavik Marathon - August

The Reykjavik Marathon, held annually in August, is one of the most popular running events in Iceland. The race features a full marathon, half marathon, 10K, 3K fun run, and a marathon relay, catering to runners of all abilities.
I have run this a few times and my first ever full marathon was in this race. It's very similar to road races in other countries. The course takes you through the charming streets of Reykjavik, with scenic views of the coastline and landmarks like the Hallgrímskirkja church. The event coincides with Reykjavik Culture Night, providing a festive atmosphere with music, performances, and fireworks.

Laugavegur Ultra Marathon - July

The Laugavegur Ultra Marathon is a 55K trail race that takes runners through one of Iceland's most famous hiking trails. The race begins in Landmannalaugar and ends in Þórsmörk, covering diverse terrains such as geothermal hot springs, river crossings, and volcanic deserts. It's a must-do for trail running enthusiasts seeking an adventure in Iceland's wilderness.
I have run this race 3 times and I highly recommend it! The surroundings are absolutely breathtaking and the terrain is not as difficult as in many other ultras. Keep in mind though that the weather can be all kinds. It can be nice and calm weather but it can also be windy, rainy, cold and foggy. In such conditions you may not be able to see the amazing view so it can be a disappointment but it's always an adventure. Also, weather can change very frequently in Iceland so it's unlikely that the whole course will be in the same weather.

Laugavegur Laugavegur Laugavegur

Laugavegur 2022

Midnight Sun Run - June

The Midnight Sun Run, held in June, offers a unique experience where runners can compete under the magical light of the midnight sun. This event features a half marathon, 10K, and 5K races, starting in the evening and continuing into the night when the sun barely sets. The course winds through Reykjavik, providing picturesque views of the city's coastline and parks. The Midnight Sun Run is perfect for those looking to experience the natural phenomenon of Iceland's summer solstice while enjoying a scenic race.

Jökulsárhlaup (Glacier Run) - August

The Jökulsárhlaup is a thrilling event that combines running with the awe-inspiring landscapes of Iceland's glaciers and glacial rivers. Runners can choose from various distances, including a half marathon and 10K, navigating through the glacial terrain and experiencing the pristine beauty of the ice-covered landscapes. The Jökulsárhlaup offers a unique challenge and an opportunity to witness Iceland's majestic glaciers up close, making it a memorable race for adventure seekers.

Puffin Run - May

The Puffin Run is a delightful event that takes place on the Westman Islands, known for their vibrant puffin colonies. This race includes various distances, catering to all levels of runners. Participants enjoy stunning coastal views and the opportunity to spot puffins in their natural habitat. The Puffin Run combines the thrill of running with the joy of wildlife observation, making it a unique and memorable event.

Mýrdalshlaup - May

The Mýrdalshlaup is a challenging race that takes runners through the striking landscapes of Mýrdalsjökull glacier. You can choose either 10km or 22 km. This event offers a mix of terrain, including glacial paths, volcanic ash fields, and rugged trails. The race is known for its demanding course and breathtaking views, providing a true test of endurance and adventure for participants.
I have run the 22 km course twice. It's one of the more challenging races I have participated in because you climb very steep hills (almost crawling up) and equally steep downwards. The landscape is beautiful so if you're up for a challenge, this race could be perfect for you.

Mýrdalshlaup Mýrdalshlaup Mýrdalshlaup

Mýrdalshlaup 2022

Hvítasunnuhlaup - May

The Hvítasunnuhlaup, also known as the Pentecost Run, is held annually during the Pentecost weekend. This race features various distances (14km, 17,5 km, and 22 km), making it accessible to runners of all abilities. The course typically includes scenic routes through Icelandic countryside, with participants enjoying the fresh spring air and vibrant landscapes. It starts and ends in Hafnarfjörður which is in the capital area.
I have run this race a few times and I love it. It's so easy to access and it's just a really fun trail run in the Reykjavik area.

Esja Ultra - June

The Esja Ultra is a mountain race held on the iconic Esja mountain, just outside Reykjavik. This race offers multiple distances, including a half and a full mountain marathon. challenging runners with steep ascents and technical trails. The views from the top are spectacular, overlooking the city and the surrounding landscapes. The Esja Ultra is a must-do for trail runners seeking a tough yet rewarding experience.
I have run this twice, not the full marathon but a shorter distance (was 14km but have been changed to 21km). Great race if you love mountain running. Beautiful scenery and instead of a finisher medal, they have offered finisher beer glasses.


Esja Ultra - Finisher beer glass 2023

Fimmvörðuhálshlaup - August

The Fimmvörðuhálshlaup is a demanding race that traverses the stunning Fimmvörðuháls pass between the Eyjafjallajökull and Mýrdalsjökull glaciers. This trail run covers approximately 25 kilometers, featuring dramatic landscapes, including waterfalls, volcanic craters, and snowfields. The Fimmvörðuhálshlaup is renowned for its challenging terrain and unparalleled natural beauty, attracting adventurous runners from around the world.
I have run this course twice, not in the race but on my own with a friend. I highly recommend it, it's absolutely stunning. It is challenging just like all mountain races so be prepared for harsh terrain. And as always, especially in the mountains, be prepared for all kinds of weather.

Fimmvorduhals Fimmvorduhals Fimmvorduhals

Fimmvörðuháls 2023


What is the best time of year to run a race in Iceland?
The best time for running races in Iceland is during the summer months, from June to August, when the weather is milder and daylight hours are extended. In fact, all the highland and trail races are held during the summer half of the year. Only a few road races are available during winter.

How should I dress for a race in Iceland?
For the highland races, dress in layers to accommodate changing weather conditions. A moisture-wicking base layer, an insulating layer, and a windproof or waterproof outer layer are recommended and sometimes mandatory. Don't forget a hat and gloves.

Do I need trail shoes for races in Iceland?
For trail races, trail shoes are highly recommended to provide better grip and stability on uneven and slippery surfaces. For road races, regular running shoes should suffice.

Are there aid stations during the races?
Yes, most races in Iceland have aid stations that provide water, electrolytes, and sometimes snacks. Check the race details to know what is offered and plan your hydration and nutrition accordingly.

Can I run a race in Iceland as a beginner?
Absolutely! There are races suitable for all levels, from 5K fun runs to more challenging marathons and ultras. Choose a race that matches your experience and fitness level.

Is it necessary to acclimate to Iceland's weather before the race?
If possible, arriving a few days before the race can help you acclimate to the local weather and time zone. Use this time to rest, hydrate, and familiarize yourself with the race route.


Running races in Iceland offer a unique blend of challenge, adventure, and stunning natural beauty. Whether you're tackling an ultra-trail race, enjoying a marathon through the streets of Reykjavik, or running under the midnight sun, Iceland's diverse running events provide unforgettable experiences for runners of all levels. Consider adding these races to your calendar and discover why Iceland is a dream destination for running enthusiasts.